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Community Outreach

The Club fosters an appreciation of gardening within the community, and has been aptly described as 


"A small club, with a big heart."

Holiday Boutique

Each December, the members gather to create one-of-a-kind pieces with fresh greens, including the ever popular mailbox covers you'll see around town!


They are sold at the annual Holiday Boutique, which is always held on the first weekend in December at the Starkweather (NIA) House. 


We also decorate the street signs in Nichols for the season with our red bow swags, spreading holiday cheer!

Valentine's Day

The Club also coordinates with our local nursing homes to provide seasonal flower arrangements to their community. We love creating small arrangements for residents' rooms, as well as large arrangements for communal spaces, that we hope bring a sense of love and appreciation to our elder neighbors. 


We proudly sponsor a scholarship which is awarded each year to a student graduating from any high school in the greater Trumbull area who is continuing their education in the environmental/horticultural sciences.


Know a potential candidate?

1. Student must attend an accredited school in Trumbull.

2. Trumbull residency is preferred.

3. Student should have a GPA of B, or above.

4. Student has been already been accepted to a college/university, and will be attending school commencing in the fall.

5. The successful applicant will be pursuing a degree in environmental/horticultural sciences

Pollinator Pathway

National Garden Clubs, Inc. & the Plant America Grant

Nichols Garden Club was awarded $1,000 through the PLANT AMERICA Community Project Grants Program from the National Garden Clubs, Inc! In short, the approved project involves transforming the slope between the parking lot and the ballfields of the NIA property from an overgrown, invasive lot, into a native meadowscape for our pollinators.


Looking to contribute?

Join us! This is a wonderful opportunity for NGC to give back - not only to the environment, but in the beautification of our town, and engagement in our community. 

  • Volunteer a summer evening (or more, if you'd like!) to water new planted seedlings.

  • Help us weed! Reach out to us via email and join our weeding parties! 

  • Donate straight-species of native plants!

    • Plants native to Connecticut

    • Seeds and plant-divisions are welcome!

    • For the sake of our pollinators, please don't share plants that have been exposed to fertilizers, or pesticides


And other things too!

Below are additional examples of the organizations/projects Nichols Garden Club has supported:

  • Nichols Improvement Association – Various donations (monetary, purchase tables/chairs and other household items, and landscape plantings)

  • Trumbull Historical Society – Monetary donation, oak tree planting and herb garden planting and upkeep

  • Trumbull Library – Floral arrangements for Taste of Trumbull library benefit

  • Trumbull Bicentennial Commemorative Fountain supporter & 100 year Time Capsule contributor

  • Fairchild Nichols Library – Donation of books and videos 

  • Trumbull’s Arts and Nature Center Five Senses Garden

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